Friday 22 July 2011

Personal Rebranding Isn't Just About How You Look by Sue Courtney

Transforming your image isn't just about changing how you look - your hair, makeup and clothes. It also means changing how you think - letting go of negative thoughts and feelings and replacing them with positive thoughts that reflect your 'can-do' attitide and confidence.

Think about this:
If the current 'you' could achieve the success and results that you are looking for then you would already have the promotion or job that you are now seeking. To achieve your goals you are going to have to kiss goodbye to the old 'you' and welcome in the authentic, happy, successful version of 'you' that has been waiting for the opportunity to show itself.

If you are ready to let go of 'okay' and step into the wonderful life that you so richly deserve, let's get on with the process! A few words of warning: it won't always bw easy or comfortable. You will need tp step out of your comfort zone and move into your stretch zone to make the necessary changes. This can be a little uncomfortable if you aren't used to it.

I liken this to the natural process taken by a caterpillar as it becomes a butterfly. At some point it has to go through the crysalis stage where everything that it has once been breaks down. it can then reform into a totally new and beautiful butterfly that is so different from from the caterpillar it once was that it is difficult to believe they are the same creature! To achieve a totally new life you will have to endure the mushy crysalis stage where the old 'you' breaks down and nothing seems familiar. Only then can you reform or rebrand into the amazing, successful person you are meant to be. Keep the faith when the going gets a bit bumpy, there is light at the end of the tunnel if you just keep moving forward. (A coach is great for holding your hand and keeping you motivated when the going gets a bit tough!)

This process is all about investing in you - so splash out a little. Ask yourself what is going to give you the best return on your investment over the next 12 months or so - investing in clothes, coaching and styling so you present the right image to achieve the longed for and much deserved promotion, or investing in a PIP or ISA?

In her book "Rules for Renegades" Christind Comaford-Lynch suggests that
"Life is an illusion, so pick one that's empowering."
Good advice.
She also reminds us that
".... if you don't select a self-identity, someone else will select one for you."
Personally I would rather be the one who decides who I am.
What about you?

Copyright 2011, Sue Courtney, Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.

Excerpted from "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Coprorate Ladder" by Sue Courtney.
To receive your FREE copy please go to

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