Thursday 29 September 2011

Change and The Widening Gap at Work by Sue Courtney, expert in Personal Rebranding

As the Workplace Changes The Gap is Widening Between Those Who are Successful and The Rest.

Do you want to be one of the successful 6%ers who can command a successful career - or one of the other 94% who get what's left?

I attended an amazing conference at the weekend and learnt a great deal. One of the major quotes that I remember was from Walt Disney who said, when talking about achieving success,
"Observe the masses then do the opposite".

The message is that if you want to be in the top 6% of people who are successful then don't do what everyone else is doing - think for yourself and model the behaviours of the successful people that you admire.

It is exactly what I aim to do - indeed while I was attending the conference I was up early to run. It was such an amazing experience because it was just about sunrise, which was so beautiful, and my route took me alongside the runway at Heathrow Airport, so I was racing the planes as they took off and landed! Actually that isn't strictly true, as anyone who has ever experienced me running will testify - even small children can walk faster than I run! But I felt fab and was glad I had done what the other conference delegates didn't do.

But what else can you do? Know what is Old Thinking and what is New Thinking and adapt your mindset to adopt the new. here are some ideas.

1. You need to be exceptional
Old Way - you turn up for work every day and do something so you deserve to be rewarded by regular promotions
New Way - there is a widening gap between those who demonstrate professionalism and present a positive image and those who just turn up, do the minimum and go - guess who gets the promotions and success?

To succeed you  need to demonstrate that you are an exceptional professional. This isn't difficult - but you need to know it is necessary and be willing to do it.

2. Your skills need to be constantly be evolving
Old Way - you have your single skill and expect that to be enough to guarantee you a job for life - that should be all you need.
New Way - you constantly upgrade and add to your skill set because you understand that the world is changing very rapidly and companies can only afford to keep employees who are multi-skilled and are willing to constantly update their skills, learn new skills and present the right image.

To succeed you must stay ahead of your competition by constantly upgrading your skills and developing new skills that your company can use.

3. Look for ways to add value to the company
Old way - you do just what you are paid to do - no more and no less. You show no interest in anything but your paypacket and give nothing back.
New way - you are innovative - looking for new ways to provide a better service to customers and for the company.

To be successful you must demonstrate the extra value you bring to the company and ensure that management are aware of your contribution. It isn't very British - but learn to 'blow your own trumpet'!

So, if you really want to further your career do what the majority of your colleagues aren't - become the exceptional person you are ans move up to join the 6%ers.

If you would like to contact Sue then please do so at

To request your FREE copy of my book "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder" please go to

Friday 16 September 2011

Get That Job or Promotion

What do you need to do differrently to get that job or promotion?

OK, so you want a promotion or new job - but what are you doing to make that outcome more likely?

Current and potential bosses generally look for
  • Commitment
  • Punctuality
  • Professional appearance
  • Ability to focus on the task/job in hand.
How do you measure up to those requirements in your current job? Because you need to display exemplary practice in the job you currently have if you want to be considered a serious contender for promotion or hope to be given a glowing reference when applying for a job in a new company.

Remember the saying that if you currently do more than you are paid to do, you will eventually be paid to do more than you  currently do.

When working with clients I often ask for confidential 360 degree feedback from colleagues as a starting point for reflection on their current position.

When writing your CV there are certain essentials, such as
  • Ensure your spelling is accurate - basic but often overlooked.
  • Avoid using cliched language - be original and honest about your strengths without resorting to humour or cliches.
  • Demonatrate that you are making the effort to constantly update your skills and knowledge - if you aren't at the moment then you should be - start right now!
  • Keep the CV short and focused - about 2 pages. If it is too long it is likely to go straight in the bin without being looked at.
  • Ensure the skills you highlight are a match for the job and the company. Each CV needs to be tailored to the job. Never send out two identical CVs.
  • Make sure you tell the company exactly what they need to know about you to ensure they want to call you for interview - make it compelling.
  • At the top of the CV, in your Personal Statement, include your three biggest selling points - the three things that make you the perfect candidate for the job. What is your USP that sets you above your competitors?
You need to demonstrate who you are and show your passion for the role. But if you have shown no passion for the job you currently have then a prospective employer will find it challenging to believe that you will suddenly change - so think about how you show up in your current job.

Finally, if yo are finding it all a bit of a challenge, try this exercise:
  • Make a list of everything you want to do, be and have in your life.
  • Imagine that five years have passed and you have achieved it all.
  • What sort of person would you have become in order to have achieved it?
  • Write your CV as that person - the confident, happy, enthusiastic version of you.
Recently I saw James Cann (Of Dragon's Den fame) take on the services of a Personal Brand Coach to help a graduate 'rebrand' to gain job success. If James Cann uses Rebranding Coaches it shows that they work - so isn't it time you invested in yourself by working with me - by registering for information about my Personal Rebranding for Female Professionals seminars - discover for yourself the effectiveness of investing in yourself and working with your own Personal Rebranding expert - Sue Courtney of Success & Image.

For more information go to
or email me directly at

I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve the career success you deserve.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Buy Smart and Save Money

Buy Smart and Save Money
Be selective - just because it's in the shops doesn't mean you have to buy it!

Knowing your body shape should mean that shopping trips are much more focused and mistakes are things of the past.

However, I know that they can still happen. Just because an item is 'on trend' or is in the shops it doesn't automatically follow that you should buy it. A little careful planning and caution is required. When you see an item of clothing that you like there are several questions to ask yourself and several checks to make before parting with your hard-earned cash.
  1. Does the item actually flatter your particular body shape? This is a vital starting point. Is it the right length/fit/size? If not, can it be professionally altered? Would the extra expense be worth it? Do you want to look 'on trend' but awful, or effortlessly stylish and elegant? If the item in question isn't a style that flatters your shape WALK AWAY FROM THE RAIL.
  2. Does the item flatter your colouring? It is no use buying an item of clothing that is absolutely perfect for your body shape if the colour makes you look ill. If there is a particular colour that you love but doesn't love you back, it is possible to wear it - but as an accessory or as trousers, skirt or shoes. The rule is to keep unflattering colours away from your face. So, if the item isn't a colour that truly loves you - DON'T TAKE IT TO THE TILL.
  3. Where and when will you wear the item? Does it fit with your lifestyle? It is a waste of money buying a gorgeous gown that is the perfect colour and flatters your shape if, like Cinders, you are unlikely to be going to a ball any time soon. Equally, it is no good buying a lot of casual wear if you rarely have the time to relax and wear it. Will the item mix and match well with other items in your wardrobe? An efficient wardrobe has a high proportion of clothes that can be worn in different ways and on different occasions. If it is a one-off piece that will rarely see the light of day it really has limited value - SEE NEXT QUESTION.
  4. What is the potential 'cost-per-wear' of the item? Is it a top that could be work with several different outfits for both work and on social occasions? Is it a suit, coat or shoes that will be work on most days or at least most weeks for several years? The 'cost-per-wear' question can often bring an expensive purchase into the realm of investment piece so it is well worth considering.
  5. Next you need to ask whether it will enhance your professional reputation? Does the item declare the wearer to be effortlessly elegant, stylish, confident and professional? Or does it shriek cheap, dowdy or boring? Only the first category passes the test. But we haven't quite reached the end of the list yet.
  6. Is the item really worth X hours of your life and work? When put into these terms - the number of hour you have to work to earn enough to pay the price on the label - is it actually worth that amount of you life? Only one more question.
  7.  Is it 100% right? Does it fit all the categories and make your heart sing? If it fits all the categories but you still aren't really sure then DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. Leave it where it is. It is pointless wearing clothes you don't feel happy in. The exception to this rule is when you are happy wearing clothes that don't make you look fabulous and like the capable professional that you are. In that case it is just a matter of getting out of your comfort zone and embracing a more flattering look that allows the real, gorgeous you to shine. Deal with it!
If you would like to find out more about what to buy and how to dress to get the promotion or new job that you want and deserve then register for information about my seminar, coming to a venue near you, and give the real you an opportunity to shine out.

You can contact me at
or at
or emai me at

Monday 5 September 2011

Looking Good Equals More Pay by Sue Courtney, Personal Rebranding expert

Looking Good Equals More Pay

Personal Rebranding can make a real difference to your income.

I was reading my copy of The Edge (the online magazine from the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) recently when I came upon an article written by Karen Higginbottom (sourced from Dr. Ailsa Kolsaker, MBA Director, Surrey Business School) entitled "Do Good Looks Equal Success?"

In it she discusses the study from the journal of Economic Phychology, University of California which found that 'attractive' people make more money. It seems that how attractive you are plays a significant role in your chances of success - it isn't just your skills that can lead to promotion.

More attractive people were found to be "wealthier, more successful and viewed as more cooperative by colleagues".

They found that height was also a factor in financial success at work.

Penny Bennett, who is founder of Penny Bennet Style Consultancy said "People who look good are more confident. Your image affects your performance. If you look the part, you're more confident in your ability to get on with co-workers and get the job done. If you look good, you get more recognition from others because you look and feel the part."

Your image not only affects how others see you but also how you view yourself. We all know how our confidence and ability can be affected by how we feel we look - some days are better than others.
"When you look good, you feel more confident and value yourself more. On days when you don't bother about your appearance, you are more likely to shy away from opportunities to stand out and get noticed."

The article included some tips to improve overall success and perceived attractiveness, which include
  • Appear confident when dealing with colleagues. This can be achieved by knowing your job and doing it well.
  • You may need to develop your presentation skills to enhance your perceived authority and so increase your confidence.
  • Without being scary, maintain eye contact when speaking with colleagues.
  • Dress appropriately for your role and your shape - if you know you look good you will automatically appear more confident and also be more attractive to look at.
  • Speak confidently - as if your words are important - because they are or you wouldn't be saying them!
Ultimately, "It's also about grooming" says Dr Ailsa Kolsaker, "Not everyone can be beautiful. There is nothing you can do about your looks but you can take steps to improve your personal attractiveness."

In my role as Executive Style Coach and Personal Rebranding expert, I am ideally situated to help you present the right image for your business and career success.

In my booklet
"The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder"

I address the issues raised here to enhance your chances of success.

To claimm your FREE copy of my booklet simply go to

This is a formula for success.
Make a start now by claiming your FREE booklet

How much will it cost you in missed promotions over the rest of your career if you don't take action NOW?

How much money are you missing out on by not taking action?

so go to
and take the first step to a more succesful you.

Rules of Shopping by Sue Courtney, Personal Rebranding expert

Restyle Your Shopping to Restyle Your Life

Follow my rules to shop for the success you deserve

This is another tip to assist you in developing an authentic new, positive brand 'you' and it is all about shopping - or not! There are a few 'Rules of Shopping' that need to be spelt out before you next pop to the shops.
  • Just because it is in the shops, it doesn't mean you ave to buy it. I sometimes think that designers and manufacturers are having a laugh at our expense. There are a lot of clothes out there that, frankly, suit nobody.
  • Just because it is this season's 'must -have' it doesn't mean that you have to have it. If it doesn't suit you - walk away from the rail!
  • If it rates OK or less then don't waste your money on it. We have all done it (and have the unworn clothes in the back of the wardrobe to prove it) but it doesn't mean you have to keep on doing it. It is far better to have fewer, better quality clothes that are classic, flatter your shape and colouring, that you love to wear and always make you feel wonderful, than a wardrobe jam-packed full of unflattering clothes that make your heart sink every time you open the wardrobe door and see them.
  • If done properly, with the advice of a trained stylist, then shopping for clothes should be an investment in your future. However, don't make the mistake of buying clothes you  can't afford and putting them on a credit card. Credit cards are NOT for this purpose - don't do it.
There are two quotes that I love that are relevant here.
  1. By William Morris - "If you want a golden rule that will fit everything then this is it: Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful" (and this includes clothes too).
  2. From Duke Ellington - "It don't mean a thing if it aint got that swing...." so be playful when putting your clothes together in different ways. Have fun.
The idea is to be true to yourself whilst at the same time appearing understated, elegant, chic, classy, stunning and professional.

To get the job or promotion you want you may need to restyle yourself to be the stylish person inside who is trying to get out.
This is what I do for people and I can do it for you too.

"Since using the services of a life coach (Sue Courtney of Success & Image) 'M' became more positive and confident with herself .
The wardrobe overhaul meant that she dressed in accordance with her role and seemed to be empowered by the way that she felt with herself and how others perceived her" Matthew Nash on the impact my restyling had on a colleague.

To find out more and receive your FREE booklet
 "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder"
go to
and claim your  copy.

Find out how to 'rebrand' your image for success - NOW!