Thursday 6 February 2014

Excerpts from my new book - Introduction by Sue Courtney


There has probably never been a time in history when help and advice was needed more in order to successfully be promoted, get a first job or succeed in business. Life is moving ever faster and it is more vital than ever to have that little bit of extra information that will nudge you ahead of the competition and improve your chances of success.

Over the last 10 years or so there has been a proliferation of coaches, all niching in different areas and all promising they have the answer to your problem - they can stop your pain and make life perfect.

Equally, there are a growing number of stylists on the scene, all promising to make you look wonderful so your life will instantly be perfect too.


In your dreams.

I spent years watching programmes like “Ten Years Younger”, “How to Look Good Naked” and the programme pioneers – Trinny & Susannah with their offerings. Even Joan Collins had a go! True, the people featured did look wonderful (mostly) by the end of the programme but the transformation rarely lasted more than a few weeks – or months at most. When the programme revisited them they had always regressed back to something of their former ‘style’.

It must have been so very frustrating for the programme makers, the stylists and the people being styled. It happened time and again and still the format didn’t change.

I grew increasingly frustrated and eventually stopped watching the programmes altogether. The solution was obvious to me and I emailed some of the shows to give them the benefit of my thoughts – which were ignored. My approach probably wouldn’t make for such exciting viewing – and it is viewing figures that count, after all.

People do need help to see through the hype and the trends to what is actually going to make them look good. It all depends on your body shape and colouring – and also on your lifestyle and job, career or business. It is absolutely no use following trends if you want to be successful or if you want to look your best at all times. I sometimes think (no I think this most of the time) that designers and manufacturers are having a laugh at our expense when I see some of the styles they ‘sell’ us as the latest ‘must-haves’ each season. And we are stupid enough to buy them! Yes – I include myself in this. I have bought clothes – and worn them – knowing that they didn’t suit me. Do you know, even though I know the rules, I sometimes still buy something I know won’t work, just because I like it – and I always regret it. I’m not immune to mistakes.

This results in people dressing inappropriately for work and so, very often, being less successful than their better dressed colleagues – even if they can do the job better. In the current economic climate this is madness –nothing short of career suicide, in my opinion.

At the other end of the scale – and no less catastrophic – people are being hired because they look the part and talk the part but actually have no understanding of the job and so fail. Their attitude is wrong and their approach misguided. There has to be a better, more authentic way to approach the topic of Personal Rebranding.

In these days of economic turmoil, when jobs are disappearing in every sector and there is more competition than ever for every job, it makes sense to have as many cards as possible stacked in your favour. To know that the job or promotion that you are applying for is right for you at this moment in time, that you believe, without any doubt, that you can do the job and that you are right for the job and also know how to go about ensuring you stand out from the competition for all the right reasons.

I know that most people HAVE to work to pay bills and provide a roof over their heads. Some are fortunate enough to be able to work to provide those lovely little extras and luxuries that make life so much more fun. But wouldn’t it be great if you were so sought after that you could do both in a job you love and know that you could go anywhere and be welcomed with open arms because you are so well thought of?

It can be like that – even in a downturn. But only if you subscribe to the belief that success can be achieved by doing what Dan Bradbury advises (I believe it is a quote from Walt Disney)

“Observe the masses – and do the opposite.”

It is a principle adopted by all the most successful people throughout history – imagine where Steve Jobs would have been if he had done the same as everyone else!

So – to be the success you can undoubtedly be – do just that. Work out what you and everyone else are doing that isn’t really working and then change – do what successful people are doing and turn your life around.
Copyright C - 2014, Sue Courtney - Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.



Tuesday 14 January 2014

Let Values Be Your Guide by Sue Courtney

 “What a caterpillar sees as the end of the world, the master sees as a butterfly” Richard Bach


The future isn’t something that just happens, by default. You create it by the thoughts you allow and by the actions you take or neglect to take. Your future is in your hands – make of it what you will. If you are seeking career success then you need to read this.


Life is always presenting us with new opportunities. Sometimes we simply don’t notice them because they  come dressed up in work clothes and don’t appear very inviting. Big mistake.  Firstly, remember that the mind – like a parachute – works best when open. Try to remain open to new possibilities and opportunities that come your way. So let go of any preconceived ideas, get out of your own way and allow the process to work.


If you aren’t experiencing the career success you would like and you feel your life needs some fine tuning, the place to start is with your core values. Now it is time to establish exactly what your core values are. Consider first the values that seem to be present, on the surface at least, in today’s society : negativity, closed-mindedness, depression, fear, anxiety, worry, cruelty, hatred, meanness, separation, dishonesty and hopelessness. They are not a very uplifting set of values and reflect a fearful and in some ways damaged mindset. There is another way, which is more uplifting and brings happiness and joy.


Your core values are your true essence – the authentic, inner you. If you are true to your core values then your life will feel more whole and complete and you will be happy.  At our core we are positive and loving – negative values are conditioned into us by negative news and events. We have a choice as to whether we allow life to affect us in this way or whether we will stay true to our core values and remain positive and loving. Everyone has a different set of values that they feel are vital to their wellbeing but they all have a common thread – they make your life more meaningful and fulfilling. In order to chart a meaningful path through life’s uncertainties it is vital to be clear about exactly what your values are.


Select ten of the most important values from the list below. If you wish to add more, feel free. You are excavating the very essence of your being so be sure to list everything that is significant in your life.


Love                               Security                              Health                              Happiness

Financial wealth           Adventure                           Travel                               Honesty

Power                            Passion                               Integrity                           Success

Freedom                       Understanding                    Compassion                   Trust

Loyalty                          Creativity                             Respect                           Achievement

Acceptance                  Humour                               Kindness                         Independence

Excitement                   Intimacy                              Career/work                    Ambition

Contribution                 Sincerity                              Challenge                        Variety

Conservation               Fun                                       Family


Now that you have a list of the most important values in your life, you need to number them in priority order and maybe group some together, if that feels right for you. You now have a personal list that you can use to inform your goal setting and provide a set of principles to inform your decision making. If you think compiling the list of your core values and prioritising them was tough – living your life to their standards is the big test. Remember, this is your personal list – if you find it isn’t quite right, you can always change it. It has to be absolutely right for you and reflect the truth of who you really are.


Armed with a list of your core values it is often easier to make decisions that affect how you live your life and how you plan for your future. As you begin to apply your values to all aspects of your life you may find some conflict. It may be that you work in a factory that produces disposable cups and Conservation is an important value to you. There is conflict as you need to earn a living but are working against one of your principles. Consider ways to bring harmony such as seeking employment in a company that manufactures something more in keeping with your values or maybe talk to the management about offsetting the impact the cups have by planting trees or making them from a more environmentally friendly material. You see how knowing your values can begin to explain why some areas of your life are causing internal conflict and can give you the knowledge needed to make changes that will bring your values and life into harmony.


If you are seeking a promotion that you know will take you away from home more or require you to work longer hours, and one of your core values is Family, then you may be self sabotaging in order to stay true to your values. A good coach (ME?) can help you to work through any such conflicts to enable a harmonious resolution.


One of my core values turned out to be security. Knowing this enabled me to understand why aspects of my life were causing me stress and develop a plan to overcome the issue and restore the security I need in my life.


Equipped with this knowledge you can now look at all aspects of your life and find answers to your questions about how to bring more happiness and harmony into each aspect. Simply relate your values to each aspect of your life and give them a rating. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well is each value represented in your relationships, finances, career and other important aspects of your life. Be absolutely honest with yourself even if the truth is a little uncomfortable or inconvenient.


If, knowing your values, you are still finding it difficult to embrace change because of fear, I have a little game that may help. If you are afraid of an outcome or set of events, ask yourself

“What is the worst that could possibly happen under the circumstances?” List all your ideas. Just getting them out into the open can help you to see how very unlikely they are to happen. Then ask yourself

“What would you do if the worst happened?” You would cope and having thought of some strategies can take away some of the fear. List all your possible solutions next to each challenge. Do the solutions fit with your core values? What reaction to the circumstances would fit with your values? What actions would you take if you were to be true to your values?


Now ask yourself

“What is the very best that could possibly happen as a result of taking this action?” Again, list every possibility you can think of, however unlikely or convoluted it may seem. Suspend disbelief. Then ask

“How could you make that wonderful circumstance happen?” List all the possible actions that you could take, in line with your values, that could lead to the best possible scenario and pick one to try first.


With your values to guide you, anything is possible. It is time to let the real, authentic you out. When challenges arise it is Life nudging you to find a better way and let go of what isn’t working, however comfortable its familiarity may be. Release the old to make room for the new.


Thursday 2 January 2014

Your Time as a Caterpillar has Expired - Your Wings are Ready For Collection


Your Time as a Caterpillar has Expired - Your Wings are Ready for Collection by Sue Courtney
I couldn't resist that title.
It is the beginning of a Brand New Year - 2014.
What will you do with it?
You have a 365 page book in front of you - and you are the author - you decide what goes in it!
What an awesome thought - THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!!

So, with that thought in mind, a little planning might be in order.
Begin by deciding what you want to achieve in all areas of your life by the end of 2014 - include work/career, finance, family/relationships, and what ever else is important to you.
Then work out a realistic schedule of journey goals that will enable you to end the year where you want and make a quarterly plan for each area of your life.
  • What do you need or intend to achieve from January to March?
  • April to June?
  • July to September?
  • October to December?
Now sub-divide into journey goals or achievements for each month.
My advice - don't plan too much into each month. Be realistic - life is busy - it was hectic and busy last year, why would the new year be any different?

So be realistic, but challenging. Make your journey goals few but impactful.

Then schedule them into your diary, get yourself an "accountability buddy" or coach and make 2014 your very best year yet.

Please let me know what some of your goals are and how you are doing. Tell me how you plan to achieve them - I love hearing your stories and maybe I might be able to offer encouragement and advice.

To your amazing success in 2014 - I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
I believe in you.

I'm currently doing exactly what I advise my clients to do right now - after taking a well deserved break I am remembering all that contributed to making 2013 a fabulous year and I am planning how to build on that to make 2014 the best year ever. I began the planning process while "enjoying" a rather grand adventure courtesy of the effects of the weather on the UK transport system. In other words, while stuck on a train going nowhere because of a flooded line, I used the time to plan for success in 2014. I then enjoyed the adventure that was the magical mystery tour  that eventually got me home. Great fun.

My first seminar of 2014 will be on Saturday 15th February 2014, in Southampton. (UK)
I will take you through my unique 3 step MAP system for career success which includes a styling section on dressing for your shape.
In 2013 I had a job specification written specially for me!
If you would like to be in that enviable position I can show you how on Saturday 15th February 2014 in Southampton (UK)
If you are serious about getting ahead in your career this year then you need this information as soon as possible.
More information in my next newsletter - remember to keep this date free to meet me in Southampton and kick start your career success.

It's an idea I saw on Facebook. Take 1 large jar and, beginning on January 1st, fill it with little notes about all the amazing things that happen to you - surprise gifts, goals achieved, memories worth saving, daily blessings, moments that make you laugh out loud, special events ....... whatever is special to you. On December 31st 2014 you empty it out and realise how blessed you were over the year. I have bought one for each of my family as well as myself and I can't wait to begin using it. (Actually, my son has cheated a bit. He got a new guitar on 31st December and has put that in the jar - a day early! No matter, I love his enthusiasm).
Try it - it will focus your mind on all that is good in your life, which will ensure you get more of the good stuff!
Let me know how it goes.

These days it is more important than ever to create the right first impression - positive, professional and authentic - if you want to achieve career success. So often women are overlooked for promotions and it is my mission to stop all that.

I work with ambitious, professional career women just like yourself, to achieve the success you want. You should be able to climb as high up the career ladder as you wish and enjoy the same opportunities as your male colleagues.

To achieve this I have developed my unique 3 step MAP system and I deliver it in a variety of ways - as a

  • One day and two-day seminars where you access my complete MAP system and start your journey to career success.
  • Special, intensive, luxury weekend where you access the whole of my MAP system in luxurious surroundings, so you can return to work next day and start implementing what you have learnt, with the added bonus of 60 days support from me to ensure you take action
  • My personalised Promotion Programme where I work 1 to 1 with you to achieve your career goals and support you for the first 90 days in post.

The programme deals with developing a powerful mindset, taking actions that will give you the edge over your competition and then restyling to present the right image for success.
Best wishes
Sue Courtney
Personal Rebranding for Career Success

Monday 11 November 2013

The Successful Career Woman Part 1 by Sue Courtney

I am currently in the process of proving that my advice works – walking my talk if you will.

I have been persuaded to return to the ‘work fold’ in a temporary capacity and I am taking all the actions I advise my ladies to do. My strategies are proving very successful so I am going to spend a few weeks breaking down what I am doing so you can follow my example and achieve the success that is your goal.

First I decided is that I needed to increase my stamina to maintain working at peak performance. I realised that I needed to be fitter than I have been in a long time. So I bought an exercise bike because I am really not happy to go out walking or jogging alone in the dark at 5am! So I hop on my bike, plug myself into some inspiring music and pedal away several times each week.

Trust me, I am not superhuman and it can be tough, so I do this 4 mornings a week – and yes, sometimes I have to split my exercise sessions between morning and evening. But committing to regular exercise each day means I am energised and focused. It means I have more stamina and can maintain momentum.

Working full time and running a business takes focus and determination.

Let me help you reach your career goals with laser like focus.

If you would like to know more about how I can help YOU reach your career goals you can: 

·         Email me at

·         Visit my websites at

·         Or

·         Or request my free book at

Copyright © 2013, Sue Courtney – Success & Image Ltd.  All rights reserved.

Monday 30 September 2013

Get Ahead - Get a Makeover by Sue Courtney

Strange but true – getting a style makeover could be the turning point in your quest for promotion.

Not convinced? Read on.

A good stylist can view you objectively and enable you to develop a style that flatters your shape and colouring and works for your lifestyle or promotion goals. You need a style that works with your personality and highlights your best assets so you look and feel more ‘you’ than you did before.

The process may take you out of your comfort zone – indeed it should take you out of your comfort zone – and into the zone of the real, best version of you, confident, energised and authentic.

An unexpected consequence of this styling process can be a willingness to look at other areas of your life. Because you look different you will feel different – more confident and attractive. People will begin to react differently to you and so you will begin to react differently to you as well.

Aspects of life that were once acceptable may suddenly be up for review. It is as if having made a significant change in one area of your life you feel compelled to make other positive, life enhancing changes in other areas that you feel are in need of a makeover too. It opens you up to the possibility of new directions in other areas of your life.

A style makeover repays the investment in numerous ways – from increased confidence and respect from others to a potential huge savings as you no longer waste money on purchases that don’t make you look and feel fabulous. You know what I mean, we all have them – the clothes and accessories that lurk reproachfully at the back of the wardrobe draining your energy every time you see them.

So, if you are serious about promotion go to

And book your first step to career success now.


Copyright ©2013, Sue Courtney – Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.


Thursday 15 August 2013

Why are you treating yourself like a second-class citizen?

How are you being treated by other people?



The truth is that you are being treated as well as you allow.

Makes you stop and think, doesn’t it?

If you aren’t currently being treated as fairly, graciously, respectfully and politely as you would like – take a look at the way you treat

a)     Yourself

b)    Others.

The answer is in one of those two or, possibly both.

If you aren’t treating yourself with kindness, courtesy and respect others will pick up on this.

You may now be wondering how they would know how you treat yourself – well there are many outward signs that you may not be aware of.

People pick up on the visible signs first – 55% of people’s first impression of you comes from your visual appearance. So, beginning at the top

·        Is your hair well cut, coloured (if you use colour), clean and well groomed?

·        Is your makeup well applied – not to heavy, but enhancing your natural features?

·        Are your clothes neat, flattering to your body shape, appropriate for your age and position, clean and well maintained?

·        Are your accessories minimal, discreet, appropriate?

·        Are you using the latest technology in mobile phone, iPad, other mobile technology?

·        Are your shoes well maintained, comfortable, appropriate and stylish?

·        Do you carry spare tights/nails/makeup as required?

Do you begin to get the idea? Open your mouth to speak carelessly, do careless work, arrive late or leave early or forget appointments and it is easy to see that you aren’t treating yourself with respect. If you don’t, chances are most other people won’t either.

By your actions or inactions you are silently allowing others to treat you as the second class citizen that you treat yourself.

Onto b). How are you treating others? If you are careless of their feelings, putting them down at every opportunity, gossiping, criticising and moaning then the majority of people will be less than willing to go out of their way to be kind and thoughtful to you. They will, most likely treat you as you treat them, which seems only fair.

What most will fail to realise is that this behaviour, too, is a manifestation of your low self esteem.

Either way, if you don’t appear to feel you are worthy of respect and courtesy others will treat you as you show them by your treatment of yourself.

The answer – should be blindingly obvious by now.

Treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve by taking outrageously good care of yourself and see what happens.

Now I don’t mean go out and buy everything you want, eat and drink what you want and run up a huge bill. No, No, No. Quite the opposite.

To take outrageously good care of yourself you need to ensure you eat a healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water, get sufficient sleep for your needs and exercise most days.

Then you need to apply my principles of investment dressing to your shopping – remembering that less is more. Buying only the best you can afford and only what works for you. Take great care of all your clothes and get up in time to ensure your hair, makeup and clothes are as good as possible before you leave the house every morning. No last minute rushing, pulling on anything that comes to hand, hurriedly pulling wet or unwashed hair up into a band and applying makeup en route to work, grabbing a coffee and bun as you fly past the cafe because you didn’t have time for breakfast.

Take care of you bank balance by careful and thoughtful purchases – ask questions before you buy anything.

Have a go at these ideas and let me know what happens.

You know you’re worth it.

Copyright © 2013, Sue Courtney – Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Golden Rules for Getting Ahead by Sue Courtney

I have been proactively working on a set of Golden Rules that, if you conscientiously apply them, will increase your chances of being offered that job of your dreams or that much sought-after promotion. They are the result of personal experience and research and I offer them to you in the hope that they enable you to achieve your desired results.

Basically, for career success, all you need to do is Stand Out From The Crowd.

It is that simple – but not necessarily easy. You need to be totally committed to achieving your career goal and willing to ‘go the extra mile’ in order to be noticed. That having been said, in my experience it doesn’t take a massive amount of extra effort to get noticed.

Read on and I will explain my five rules to enable you to  Stand Out From The Crowd for career success.

Rule#1 Look the part.

 I know I repeat this often – but only because it is vitally important. The first impression people make of you will be visual. If you dress the same as all the others doing your job you will just blend in to the background – and that is not a good thing. Your aim is to be noticed. Your aim is also to be associated in the minds of management as a promotion prospect as soon as they see you each day. My Wardrobe De-Tox sessions are perfect for this. Go to   

I remember when I was a supply teac her some years ago. I had been teaching for a few consecutive days and had arrived at work quite early. As I strode purposefully into school I passed a parent of a child from another class who asked me if I was the new head teacher. I explained that I was, in fact, a supply teacher based mainly in year one. She apologised for her  mistake but explained that she had assumed this because I looked so “invincible”! I always dressed smartly in suit or dress and jacket rather than the more casual attire of the permanent staff and so I looked as if I should have been in charge. I had to smile.

Rule #2 Arrive early and leave late.

Try to arrive earlier than the managers several times each week and be sure they realise you have beaten them in – there is no point in arriving early and putting in extra time if nobody notices. And don’t waste your time while you are there – be productive and proactive, getting little and big jobs done, getting organised for the day and looking useful.

Don’t clock watch. Finish off the job you are doing before you even consider leaving and then see if there is something else you could usefully do that would make the following day a little easier – for yourself or a colleague.

Rule #3  Look for ways to add value and help out.

Offer to take on a task to help a colleague out. Make suggestions that might make a task more efficient or quicker to complete.

Spread the love – help others whenever you can, whatever their role in the company. Could you do some small thing to make the cleaner’s job a little quicker, easier or more pleasant? Do you know what interests the top manager so you could pop an article on the subject on his/her desk occasionally?


Rule #4  Be cheerful and upbeat

That means no moaning and no gossiping. Look for the good in all people and situations – no matter what there will always be something.

Greet everyone with a smile and a cheery “hello” even if you aren’t feeling cheery. You will be surprised how something this small can change the mood of a section.

Being relentlessly cheerful and positive is a habit that can really make a difference – try it for yourself and see.

Rule #5  Volunteer

Put yourself forward for courses that will enable you to add more value to the company and do your job better – actually ask to be included on them, explaining that it would enable you to do a better job for the company. Constantly upgrade your skills so you can offer more to the company than you currently do – even if it has to be done in your own time and at your own expense, look on it as an investment. If you are serious about getting ahead it will be worth it as you will recoup the expense many times over when you are paid more. I offer seminars and courses based on my unique 3 step MAP system – go to for details or email me at to ask about seminars and courses coming up in the next few months.

GET NOTICED as an exemplary employee. If your colleagues are unhappy about your behaviour – well done, you must be doing something right. It shows you are worrying them because you are making them aware of what they should be doing and aren’t. Redouble your efforts and keep striving for your goal. Remember that successful people do what others won’t.


The underlying truth of the matter is this – if you are willing to do more than you are currently paid to do, you will eventually be paid to do more than you currently do.

It really does work – I have proved it and so have many of my clients over the years. So get out there and do your thing with style. And please let me know how you get on.

Copyright ©2013, Sue Courtney – Success and Image Ltd. All rights reserved.