Tuesday 14 January 2014

Let Values Be Your Guide by Sue Courtney

 “What a caterpillar sees as the end of the world, the master sees as a butterfly” Richard Bach


The future isn’t something that just happens, by default. You create it by the thoughts you allow and by the actions you take or neglect to take. Your future is in your hands – make of it what you will. If you are seeking career success then you need to read this.


Life is always presenting us with new opportunities. Sometimes we simply don’t notice them because they  come dressed up in work clothes and don’t appear very inviting. Big mistake.  Firstly, remember that the mind – like a parachute – works best when open. Try to remain open to new possibilities and opportunities that come your way. So let go of any preconceived ideas, get out of your own way and allow the process to work.


If you aren’t experiencing the career success you would like and you feel your life needs some fine tuning, the place to start is with your core values. Now it is time to establish exactly what your core values are. Consider first the values that seem to be present, on the surface at least, in today’s society : negativity, closed-mindedness, depression, fear, anxiety, worry, cruelty, hatred, meanness, separation, dishonesty and hopelessness. They are not a very uplifting set of values and reflect a fearful and in some ways damaged mindset. There is another way, which is more uplifting and brings happiness and joy.


Your core values are your true essence – the authentic, inner you. If you are true to your core values then your life will feel more whole and complete and you will be happy.  At our core we are positive and loving – negative values are conditioned into us by negative news and events. We have a choice as to whether we allow life to affect us in this way or whether we will stay true to our core values and remain positive and loving. Everyone has a different set of values that they feel are vital to their wellbeing but they all have a common thread – they make your life more meaningful and fulfilling. In order to chart a meaningful path through life’s uncertainties it is vital to be clear about exactly what your values are.


Select ten of the most important values from the list below. If you wish to add more, feel free. You are excavating the very essence of your being so be sure to list everything that is significant in your life.


Love                               Security                              Health                              Happiness

Financial wealth           Adventure                           Travel                               Honesty

Power                            Passion                               Integrity                           Success

Freedom                       Understanding                    Compassion                   Trust

Loyalty                          Creativity                             Respect                           Achievement

Acceptance                  Humour                               Kindness                         Independence

Excitement                   Intimacy                              Career/work                    Ambition

Contribution                 Sincerity                              Challenge                        Variety

Conservation               Fun                                       Family


Now that you have a list of the most important values in your life, you need to number them in priority order and maybe group some together, if that feels right for you. You now have a personal list that you can use to inform your goal setting and provide a set of principles to inform your decision making. If you think compiling the list of your core values and prioritising them was tough – living your life to their standards is the big test. Remember, this is your personal list – if you find it isn’t quite right, you can always change it. It has to be absolutely right for you and reflect the truth of who you really are.


Armed with a list of your core values it is often easier to make decisions that affect how you live your life and how you plan for your future. As you begin to apply your values to all aspects of your life you may find some conflict. It may be that you work in a factory that produces disposable cups and Conservation is an important value to you. There is conflict as you need to earn a living but are working against one of your principles. Consider ways to bring harmony such as seeking employment in a company that manufactures something more in keeping with your values or maybe talk to the management about offsetting the impact the cups have by planting trees or making them from a more environmentally friendly material. You see how knowing your values can begin to explain why some areas of your life are causing internal conflict and can give you the knowledge needed to make changes that will bring your values and life into harmony.


If you are seeking a promotion that you know will take you away from home more or require you to work longer hours, and one of your core values is Family, then you may be self sabotaging in order to stay true to your values. A good coach (ME?) can help you to work through any such conflicts to enable a harmonious resolution.


One of my core values turned out to be security. Knowing this enabled me to understand why aspects of my life were causing me stress and develop a plan to overcome the issue and restore the security I need in my life.


Equipped with this knowledge you can now look at all aspects of your life and find answers to your questions about how to bring more happiness and harmony into each aspect. Simply relate your values to each aspect of your life and give them a rating. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well is each value represented in your relationships, finances, career and other important aspects of your life. Be absolutely honest with yourself even if the truth is a little uncomfortable or inconvenient.


If, knowing your values, you are still finding it difficult to embrace change because of fear, I have a little game that may help. If you are afraid of an outcome or set of events, ask yourself

“What is the worst that could possibly happen under the circumstances?” List all your ideas. Just getting them out into the open can help you to see how very unlikely they are to happen. Then ask yourself

“What would you do if the worst happened?” You would cope and having thought of some strategies can take away some of the fear. List all your possible solutions next to each challenge. Do the solutions fit with your core values? What reaction to the circumstances would fit with your values? What actions would you take if you were to be true to your values?


Now ask yourself

“What is the very best that could possibly happen as a result of taking this action?” Again, list every possibility you can think of, however unlikely or convoluted it may seem. Suspend disbelief. Then ask

“How could you make that wonderful circumstance happen?” List all the possible actions that you could take, in line with your values, that could lead to the best possible scenario and pick one to try first.


With your values to guide you, anything is possible. It is time to let the real, authentic you out. When challenges arise it is Life nudging you to find a better way and let go of what isn’t working, however comfortable its familiarity may be. Release the old to make room for the new.


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