Friday 8 March 2013

What is your Parallel Life? by Sue Courtney

I was reminded, a few days ago, about a strange phenomenon that kept happening when I lived in Midhurst. It is beginning to happen here as well and it made me think about possibilities.

I was frequently mistaken for someone else – several different ‘someone elses’ actually - by people who knew them really well but didn’t know me at all!

·         On one occasion a complete stranger rushed up to me in the middle of Midhurst High Street, hugged me then stepped back when she realised I wasn’t the person she thought I was (perhaps it had something to do with my reaction to being accosted by a complete stranger) – a real Specsavers moment!

·         On another occasion I walked into an estate agent for the first time to enquire about an apartment and the woman behind the desk looked as if she had seen a ghost. She actually went white and looked as if she was going to pass out. She thought I was a friend she had known for years – I had never met her before!

·         I once visited the railway station in Haslemere to buy tickets to London only to be told by the guy behind the screen that I didn’t need to as I has a season ticket and took the train to London every day – in fact I worked in a nearby village and used the train once a year at most!

·         A friend, who I saw most days, swore she had seen me the previous day, driving in my car. She was complaining about my rudeness as she had waved and hooted at me and been ignored. It wasn’t me, I had been in class teaching at the time in question.

·         A woman in the queue for toilets at Clapham Junction station thought I was someone she had met the week before in a place I have never visited.

I could go on.

It is strange but I have been wondering –

·         What careers do these other versions of ‘me’ have?

·         Would I like to ‘be’ any of them?

·         Do we, in fact, have multiple versions of our self all leading different lives because we have made different decisions?

·         What decisions have led me to be the version of me I am currently experiencing?

·         What new decisions could I make that would take me in a new and more rewarding direction?


So I ask you – if there was another version of you what would she be doing? How would her life be different to yours? What career would she be following? Would you rather be her?

What can you do about it?

Well, there is a great deal you can do.

For a start you can ask yourself the questions above and list all the differences between ‘her’ life and yours in two columns, positive and negative. Then you can begin to plan ways to bridge the gap between your current life and career and the life and career you would prefer.

What is going to happen if you don’t resolve this issue?

If you could be any version of ‘you’ which would you choose?

Then you can email me at to tell me your thoughts and also to let me know how you would like me to help you move forward quickly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Copyright © 2013, Sue Courtney – Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.