Friday 22 July 2011

Essential Basics for Career Success by Sue Courtney

Get the basics right

 The very first basic to get right is underwear. It is essential to be professionally fitted for a bra at least once every 12 to 18 months. The difference this one item can make to your look cannot be overstated. The majority of women in this country are wearing the wrong size bra - wearing the right size can alter your shape instantly!

Work Suits
If you wear a suit to work,do you buy two skirts for each jacket? or trousers and a skirt for each jacket? or at least two dresses for each jacket?

Do you have at least two suits? This is the minimum to ensure they are properly cared for.

Are they of suitable quality? I know suits can be expensive, but if yo consider the 'cost-per-wear' then paying a little more makes economic sense, so always buy the best suits you can possibly afford. It is a fact of life that if you are seen to be dressing 'successfully' then you will be perceived as successful.

Avoid the standard, default balck and instead choose charcoal or navy - two colours that are more flattering, stylish and versatile. Avoid fashion colours and pastel shades for work suits as they don't demonstrate a professional attitude.

Personality and a nod to trends can be achieved in shirts, blouses, belts, jewellery, bags and other accessories.

Selecting the style to suit your body shape is of paramount importance,as is ensuring the trousers and skirt are the correct length. Trousers should come at least half way down the heel of the shoe worn with them, but never trailing on the ground. When buying trousers always try them on with the shoes they will be worn with. The most flattering skirt length is just below the knee. Much shorter risks looking unprofessional and longer looks dowdy. Skirts should fit well but not so tight that they ride up when you sit down.

Sheer tights work best with delicate shoes. Wear tights that match your shoes not your skirt - it usually looks better and it visually lengthens the legs, Never, never, never bare legs.

Contrasting coloured blouses can be worn under suits to add impact and style. You don't have to stick to the traditional shirt-style blouses. Silky blouses with tie necks, riffles and bows add a feminine touch whilst retaining a professional image.

Top Tip
Invest in the best you can afford and get the detail right.

Copyright 2011, Sue Courtney, Success & Image. All rights reserved.

Excerpted from "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder" by Sue Courtney
To receive your FREE copy of the book please go to

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