Friday 29 June 2012

The "Ideal Job" Hat

This week the members of my networking group decided to shake things up a bit by wearing a hat which represented our business. There were some wonderful headwear ranging from Julie's which sported lovely yellow rosebuds fashioned from dusters and leaves made from scourers (she has a cleaning company) to Yvonne who wore a hard hat with a phone on the front and a lightbulb on the back, which actually lit up when you pulled a cord! (She is with Utility Warehouse).

 Mine was covered in maps to represent my Unique 3 Step MAP System - well, you wouldn't set out to travel from where you are to somewhere new and different without some means of identifying potential routes, would you?

I then addes a "Sindy" doll wrapped in my book "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder"( )
 - well, what else does a girl need? The book is packed full of tips and ideas to help you move your career forward!

She is climbing a ladder - the "corporate ladder" of the book title - looking radiantly happy and proudly holding her achievements - happiness, money, success & fulfillment!

This visually represents what I do. I work with ambitious women like yourself to achieve the career success and life that you want by working with my MAP system
  • M - you develop a Masterful Mindset to ensure your success
  • A - you decide which Amazing Actions will lead to your career success. You then plan them in detail and implement them.
  • P - you then develop your Powerful Presence through learning what to wear to flatter your shape and present a professional and stylish image to the world both at work and out.
If you had a hat to represent your ideal job, what would be on it?
Why have you chosen thos items?
What is the essence of the career you want and the lifestyle you seek?
If you would like to learn more about my Unique 3 Step MAP System then please watch this short, five minute video where I explain it in more detail.

In the meantime, I will leave you with a couple more photos of my "business" hat. I think my grandson looks rather wonderful in it - he certainly thought it was hilarious. I wonder what he will tell his teachers about his nana's hat?!
Ascot here I come!

I would really like to hear from you and see photos of your "ideal job" hat - what you have on it and why you have chosen those items. So please email me at

Copyright - 2012, Sue Courtney - Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.

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