Thursday 21 June 2012

Get That Summer Body by Sue Courtney

 Get that Summer Body

The days are longer, the sun is warmer (when it actually shines) and thoughts are turning to the holiday that will be upon you before you know it.

No matter whether you have the job of your dreams, are about to apply for a promotion or are in the process of looking for a new job, the holiday is a vital part of life and needs to be prepared for.

If you are like me, it is about now that the weight loss goal from January (long forgotten) becomes a bit of a priority. Some actions have been taken, but the weather has been cold and there was Easter, with cakes and chocolate, then the weather was cold again – and wet. No more excuses. The time has come to tackle this one, but absolutely NOT by dieting. There are much better ways.

Ask yourself some searching questions.

“Why do I want to lose weight or tone up?”

“What have I done in the past to create the reality of being the size I am?”

“What were the reasons for it?”

“What can I do to change it?”

“How much do I want to change it?”

“What difference will losing some weight make to my life?”

We all know that to lose weight we need to take in fewer calories than we use. So the overall aim is to eat a little less and do a little more. It is also a fact that even eating one biscuit a day more than you use in energy can result in a substantial weight gain. So presumably, if you eat one biscuit less each day than the energy you use it will result in a substantial weight loss. So if you can work out where the extra calories are coming from and why, you can develop ways to divert your attention so you forget to eat them!

The important aspect of this to remember is that you are NOT going to be on a diet. They rarely work long term and in his book ‘I Can Make You Thin’ Paul McKenna states

   “ Diets are no more than training courses in how to get fat and feel like a  failure……..If you continue to diet, you will gain weight and keep it on for life.”

All I suggest is that you change a few old habits that are no longer serving you and replace them with new, more enriching ones.

Some years ago I was shown this formula

        E + R = O

Which is an Event + your Response to it = the Outcome you experience. Well, if you change your eating response to events, the outcome of your weight problem will change. In the past you may have reacted to situations by eating, or by eating the wrong food. The outcome is a body that you are not happy with. So changing your response (R) will achieve a new outcome (O). Make new habits that will support your newly prioritised goal.

I am sure you are aware that you have choices about what you do because you are take 100% responsibility for your life. Your daily decisions about whether to eat that packet of crisps when watching the television (or even whether to watch that programme at all), or have a few biscuits with your cuppa when you get home from work are having an effect on your body and your long term happiness. Every small decision like this either supports you in creating your healthy new body, or it doesn’t. You choose which actions to take. You are in charge of your life.

You remember the old saying

  “If you always do what you’ve always done

    you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

Well, that applies to eating and exercise habits too. The odd biscuit or packet of crisps, justified with the promise that you’ll do better tomorrow or what harm can it do, have created the person you are now. As has the decision to not take the exercise that your body craves.

I know from experience that will power won’t do it, so we’re not going there. Instead we (and yes, I am doing it too ) will change our habits and do things differently. And there will still be no diet.

The first step is to know the reality of your situation. When do you eat those extra calories – in what situations? What time of day? Why? Do you eat from boredom, stress, habit or because everyone else does? Once you know the when and the why you can begin to tackle the problem – so be honest with yourself. I snack from boredom, out of habit, because it is there and so I may as well eat it, because I ate my meal too quickly and so my body hasn’t had a chance to register that I am full or because I am putting off doing something I don’t want to do. I expect some of these will sound familiar.

The times I snack are when I sit down in the evening, when I am procrastinating (any time of day) and at break times when I am not at home. A few weeks ago I discovered how easy it is to develop a bad eating habit. In just two days I was in the habit of eating a biscuit with my break time drink because I was away from home on a course and the biscuits were there. Try as I may, I had to have a biscuit if they were there.

So since I clearly don’t have any, we won’t be using willpower here!

I want you to brainstorm what else you could do instead of eating, at your snack trigger times. Is there something that would help you achieve one of your other goals? What could you do to take your mind off your habit of snacking?

I don’t usually have tea breaks when I am working from home, but if I do I get out a magazine to read and reaching for the biscuit tin is futile as I no longer have one. (We have already established that I lack will power, so I simply don’t put that temptation in my way any more). After dinner, I wash up straight away. If I am still hungry I phone a friend for a chat – it takes my mind off the thought of snacks until my stomach realises that I am not hungry. I may even go for a walk. My biggest problem was crisps when I sat down in the evening. I thought long and hard about a new habit I could develop, then it came to me. I’ve gone back to an old hobby of knitting. It’s great. I can’t knit and eat crisps at the same time and the knitting is creative and gives me a sense of achievement. I also stopped buying crisps!

So think about what you could do. At work could you take fruit or a yoghurt or some cucumber and carrot sticks and start eating them before the biscuits arrive? Could you take your drink back to your desk or sit in a different place? At home maybe phone a friend for a chat, read a book or magazine, go for a walk after dinner, swim or do an exercise DVD or hire a personal trainer? You could take up a new hobby or craft or cook the next day’s dinner. You could be so engrossed in the activity that you forget about snacking.

Challenge yourself to break old habits that aren’t supporting the new you and try something radically different. I know someone who has a large exercise ball. She balances on it to watch television – that combines exercise with making eating difficult. I’ve even tried rebounding while watching television. Try things and see what works for you.

I have mentioned before that I sometimes ask myself,

“What would a successful person do in this situation?”

A better question to ask in this situation is

“What does the new slim and successful me do in this situation?”

One answer you may come up with is to take more exercise. Well, if you live in the Portsmouth area (about 20 mile radius) you are very lucky because I know a wonderful personal trainer by the name of  Lara Geall. She develops personalised programmes for her clients, beginning with an assessment of where they are so they have a benchmark to measure from. As Lara says

“Ultimately, my aim is to train your body and mind, by teaching you the fundamentals of fitness to help you establish a realistic fitness routine - one which gives you the body and the lifestyle that you desire."

If you would like to speak to Lara to find out how working with her could help you achieve your goal then she can be contacted at

07747 014459

Or email her at

Focus on your successes each day – one biscuit missed, some potatoes left on your plate at dinner, an exercise session with Lara or someone similar in your area – and list them in a journal, along with how you feel about yourself for achieving it. Also write about how good your new habits make you feel too. Read them often to keep you going.

Get family and friends to support you, not taunt you with treats. Trudie Styler (Mrs. Sting) is careful what she eats all week but has one day a week when she can eat cakes and biscuits and have extra portions. Only you can decide what will work for you.

You will notice that I haven’t mentioned scales, target weight or target size. That is because they aren’t important here. You are aiming for a slim, fit, fabulous and confident new you, on your terms. The size and weight that happens to be is not important. You will notice the changes as you become fitter, happier and more energetic. The weight will come off slowly and naturally because you aren’t focused on it.

If you need more motivation then pin up a picture of the holiday and a description of how you want to feel and be by then. When the going gets tough ask yourself:

What will happen and how will you feel if you do keep it up?

What won’t happen and how will you feel if you do keep it up?

What will happen and how will you feel if you don’t keep it up?

What won’t happen and how will you feel if you don’t keep it up?

Visualise the fun, fit and fabulous new you and then go and do something different to take your mind off those snacks!

Get out and walk, get a personal trainer or join a Zumba class – whatever works for you.

Just remember that you are responsible for the results in your life – nobody else. If you don’t take action to get the body and the life you want, nobody else can do it for you.

Want more information? Then email me at
or go to my website at
For my FREE book "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder" please go to

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