Friday 7 October 2011

Eliminate Irritations to Achieve Goals by Sue Courtney, Personal Branding expert

Increase Success by Eliminating Irritations
Watch your success soar once you have sorted those little annoyances in your life.
If life isn’t going quite the way you would like and you are struggling to achieve your goals and get that promotion then I have a suggestion – relax, get out of your own way and do something different.
If you seem to be working harder and harder and putting in longer and longer hours at the office without seeing any tangible results it may be because you are trying too hard. This often has the effect of pushing away the results you long for. It also often means that you don’t have the time or energy to tackle the little irritations of life that really diminish your joy and peace.
So, for the next few weeks I want you to take a different approach to achieving your goals – do something else! Not just anything – particular things.
First I want you to write a list of all the things in your life that you are ‘putting up with’ but that aren’t making you happy and are, therefore, stealing your energy. I want you to come up with a list of 100 niggles. They could be as small as a missing button, a mouldy shower curtain or a bulb that blew a couple of months ago and hasn’t yet been replaced. They could be as big as your current job, a significant relationship or the way you have no spare time for yourself. Write them all down.
I am doing this too because I know how powerful it is and also because I don’t tell my clients to do anything that I am not prepared to do myself.
Having a problem finding any?
Listed some but can’t come up with 100?
That’s fine – accept what you currently have and begin working on the list – which niggle can you get sorted right away – now – immediately – this minute? So why are you still reading this? Get on and do it!
As you begin to tackle the items you will probably find that more come up to be added to the list – you will get to 100 eventually!
If you are still struggling them why not categorise them – you could try finding 20 niggles in the categories of work, home, relationships, yourself, finances.
Set yourself the goal of completing one niggle per day – I bet once you get going you find you can shift several at a time. Or get together with a friend, set aside a few hours and see who can eliminate the most niggles in that time – make it fun!
Once you put them into categories you may find that by tackling one significant irritation you will eliminate several.
Before long you will have cleared enough stuck energy to create some momentum, moving you towards your goals more quickly than before.
I was compelled to do this exercise once, a few years ago. Several of my niggles were connected with all the books and paperwork connected to my job that I had accumulated at home over the years. So I went through every cupboard, drawer, nook and cranny and cleared out all the old paperwork.
Then I took what was left and returned it to work.
Then I kept my promise to myself not to bring work home – I stayed there until it was finished each day.
Then I cleared out my book collection and gave away those that I didn’t truly love and believe I would read again or find useful in the future.
Then I cleared out old photos, holiday brochures and other paperwork.
It felt really good – liberating in fact - and I suddenly found my life taking off in unexpected ways – I left my job and started my business, sold my house and moved and became a whole lot happier and more fulfilled.
So go on – go to work on your niggles and see what happens to yourself and your life!
You might be amazed!
Contact Sue at

or, to claim your FREE copy of the book "The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Coprorate Ladder" go to

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