Saturday 13 October 2012

Groundhog Life - 7 Top Tips To Transform It

Is your life becoming somewhat repetitive – do the same issues and challenges keep cropping up, over and over? Are you having the same negative conversations and getting the same negative feelings at work every day?

We all experience this at some time, but when it feels as if it is all the time it may indicate that now may be the right time to take stock and do something about it. It is possible to set yourself free from the ‘groundhog life’ – here are my top 7 tips to turn your life around.

1.      The first step is to actually recognise it. Life will keep giving us the same lessons, often in different guises, until we learn the lessons and can move on. So first you need to become aware of the scripts you are repeating, which aren’t serving to increase your happiness and wellbeing. The sooner you do this the better. So have a look at your life and discover the negative scripts you are running, both at home and at work.

2.      Write down the negative scripts that you keep repeating to yourself. Maybe you aren’t happy at work, you have applied for promotions and been unsuccessful and have begun running scripts around “I’ll never get ahead”, “people like me don’t get promotion”, “I’m just not good enough”. Write them all out so you can actually see them. Getting them out in the open and accepting that this is what you are telling yourself is often enough to bring about changes. Take a few weeks to write them all down as you think of them, along with the way the script makes you feel and any associated thoughts and feelings that come up.

3.      Now you need to develop a vision of how you want it to be. You need clarity on what you actually do want before you can move forward. When I work with ambitious, professional ladies I begin with a values exercise to enable them to find out what is important to them right now – what their purpose is. It’s no good making a change if it isn’t the right change. You need to know what you truly want and need in your life before you can decide how you want your life or work situation to be. Once you are clear on your values, write a detailed description of your ideal working day from waking up to going to sleep at the end of the day. Spend time adding to it and making changes until it feels perfect. This is your goal. You can now measure your current situation and progress against this ideal.

4.      Now return to your negative scripts and challenge them. If you are saying “people like me don’t get promotion” challenge this by asking “Where’s the evidence for this?” “Really?” “Never?” On a piece of paper, make two columns – one headed evidence in support and the other evidence against and begin to list all the evidence you can come up with. It probably won’t take long for you to realise that the evidence doesn’t stack up in support of your negative belief.

5.      If you find the evidence does support your negative scripts then ask “what can I do about it?” This will open your mind to possibilities – write them down – all of them, however wacky. You don’t censor the ideas at this stage. By now you should be beginning to believe that you do have choices and options and what you want is possible – if you are prepared to make a few changes.

6.      The next step is to rewrite your negative scripts to make them more positive and supportive. So “people like me don’t get promotion” might become “There are three women who used to do my job and are now in senior management or on the board – if they can do it, so can I”. You are going to have to make a mindset shift for things to change. You might also ask them for tips on how best to gain promotion – I’m sure they will have many stories and will be very willing to share advice with anyone who really wants to listen and learn.

7.      Use your new, positive and empowering scripts to develop a plan of what you will do to make the changes happen. I have already suggested one action. I am sure there will be many more – practical action steps that will move you in the direction of your goal. My luxury, intensive seminars, webinar programmes and personalised programmes all address the issues that may arise with very practical steps to take to get ahead of your competition. It is my passion to help you get the job and lifestyle you want.

So now you have my 7 top tips for regaining control of your life and making each day deliciously different and packed full of potential.

I would love to know how you get on with these top tips, so please email me at with your stories.

If you would like to know more about my services and how I can support you, then email

I look forward to hearing from you.

Copyright © 2012, Sue Courtney – Success & Image Ltd. All rights reserved.

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